Why a know-how tool is important

Know-how tools are used to capture relevant "know-how knowledge" and allow different perspectives to build a common knowledge base organically.

What is a know-how tool

The know-how tool is the Wiki. A wiki is a software, generally web-based, that allows people to collaborate. A wiki can allow several actions including accept, reject, filter, and review changes. The best known example of a wiki implementation is Wikipedia. Wikipedia is based on the best in class software: Mediawiki. Mediawiki is also our best choice for features and usability. In case you have other preferences we will support anyway your projects and processes because we are vendor independent and regarding tools, we give you our best choice based on general experience.

Who use this tool

Any member of the specific knowledge community for which the wiki has been implemented is entitled to retrieve and sharing knowledge by using this tool.

How to use the tool

Know-how articles must be easily found in the wiki. They can be planned, requested, or spontaneously create while surfing the wiki.

When to use the know-how tool

Working with a wiki should be a daily activity. It is mainly focused on two actions: retrieving information and sharing knowledge.